Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Luiz Inácio Lula da Silv:- Although he lived in serious poverty, he managed to become president of Brazil. Perhaps it was his rough past that compelled him to make a great new plan for the population of Brazil, which includes proper healthcare, nutrition and education.

Christine Lagarde:- Most talented minister of finance. Uses her talents to create a greater European and global independence.

Bill Clinton:- Besides being a US president, he has greatly helped Haiti and struggling African countries overcome their hardships.

Barrack Obama:- As president, Obama signed economic stimulus legislation in the form of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act in February 2009. On October 8, 2009, Obama was named the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize laureate. In March 2010, Obama signed the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act into law, bringing about comprehensive health care reform. I think he is the most influencial man in the world 2010.

Mir-Hossein Mousavi:- Through his leadership, he brings hope and democracy to Iran.

Ron Bloom:- Saved thousands of jobless people and various companies that were about to be bankrupt, by making important and clever deals.

Salam Fayyad:- He is a prime minister that has an impact of safety and security in Palestine. He has made more jobs, a safer environment and better salaries for the struggling Palestinian people.

Graça Machel:- Machel did alot of humanitqarian work and worked on behalf of the refugee children.
Sheik Khalifa bin Zayed al-Nahyan:- President of the United Arab Emirates, Sheik has cultivated his country’s resources and wealth, setting it up for success.

General Stanley McChrystal:- Worked on sparing innocent people’s lives as a military officer.

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