Monday, May 17, 2010

Conditions in Haiti before the earth Quake

Haiti’s poor conditions led to the violation of most of the child rights to health care and sanitation, free primary education, nationality, proper care, and lots more. In 2006, the child mortality rate in Haiti was very high. Some of the causes being that most of the children weren’t given the basic immunizations, few and distant healthcare centers, and poverty. 25 % of the children were malnourished, 5,000 babies were born with HIV and only 300 were given proper care. Lack of proper sewage system and clean water were very prominent. Distance, poverty, violence, overcrowding, poor management, lack of resources and infrequently paid salaries for Haitian teachers also is adding to high level of illiteracy. Many Haitian children aren’t born in hospitals therefore aren’t legally registered and don’t have the rights to essential services. Many girls are forced to work (as restaveks) away from their families because, prospective employers visit their parents and promise to take care of them, but mostly don’t. Many children are trafficked to the Dominican Republic to do illegal jobs. Due to this, many street children are being forced into gangs and some prostitution. The new government of Mr. Preval presents hope for the nation.

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