Monday, April 5, 2010


Poverty as defined by the world bank is having unsatisfied human needs. Information on the definition of poverty was collected from 73 different countries and people came up with different definitions. It was important to collect the definitions to know what different problems they have and how it can be solved. A recent statistics shows that the new poverty line set by the world bank is $1.25 per day. People living under this poverty line have reduced from 1.9 million people to 1.4 million since 1981 till today. However some people are more than just poor but they are extremely poor as their poverty is accompanied with a downgrading sense of powerlessness. The most common problems of poor countries were over population, climate change,few doctors,and under nourishment. Undernourishment and few doctors is cause by lack of education and poverty. In this poor countries 13,500 people are infected with AIDS daily, 22000 people die from poverty and preventable diseases, 13000 go to bed hungry, and malaria is responsible for death of kids. The WHO helped them by reducing the price of mosquito treated nets to $7. Sachs believes that there is a solution to the problems if we focus on saving the poor. He believes that it is possible to pull them out of the poverty that seems impossible to come out of known as the poverty trap. He discovered that some of the common problems are focused in Africa. He thinks that these problems can be tackled by voluntary reduction of child birth, medical help, connectivity to the rest of the world, better agric tools, good seeds. The world bank is an international bank for reconstruction and development. It is a UN agency assisting developing countries with funds put in by richer member countries. It is an agency that creates an opportunity for richer countries to assist poor countries around the world. The UNICEF is also trying to help out with the poverty in the countries.

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